The Lord of the Rings: The 1 Billion Dollar Question…
What Will The Lord of the Rings TV show look like?
Greetings one and all, welcome back to Written Mirror! It’s great to have you back if you’re a returning reader, and it is an honour if this is your first time.
Without further ado, let’s answer the question on everybody’s mind at present. What could I do with 1 Billion Dollars ($1B)? Okay, maybe not everyone, my bad!
The burning question on a lot of adventure/fantasy lovers minds, what will the Amazon Prime, Billion dollar, The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) TV show look like? Real tears if it’s just a longer rehashing of this!

This (1978) animated version was Godly! However, the new show must break new live action ground…
What Do We Know About The New Show?
It is reported to be the most expensive series in history! Let’s put the $1B budget in perspective. The worldwide profits of the entire LOTR film franchise total just over $2B. A TV show amounting to half of what the entire franchise has grossed so far. Amazon Prime better start putting dollar signs in it’s logo for Amazon Original ‘TV $erie$’.
On top of that production MUST start within two years. The rights were acquired for approximately $250M. Small change am I right? The budget for production is rumoured to be in the region of $750M. This includes: Writers, Directors, Special Effects, Editors, Music and advertising/marketing etc.

The oppulence had better be on show behind and in front of the camera!
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Truthfully? If any sane person put this type of coinage behind something; the answer automatically ought to be, ‘Absolutely nothing’! No plot holes, no convenient eagles, no stone left unturned and not even a pixel out of place in the effects. The locations should be excellent, the music pristine and the casting absolutely perfect.
In Memory of The Fallen
However, in the televisual landscape, every show constructed to chip away at the Game of Thrones (GoT) core audience (Fantasy/Adventure/Historical Drama fans), despite a few being very well made, they all seem to share traits. They’re expensive, they’re short lived and they’re not held in nearly the same esteem as GoT. This is despite the fans very public outcry over a lack of consistency these last few years and a very unexpected (totally unsatisfactory break in the production line) hiatus from the silver screen.
Product Placement?
Can you imagine product placement within the series? One kindle to rule them all! Use Fresh ingredients you fool! You must follow the music of the Amazon to find what you seek. Speak the Elfish word for friend and enter, ‘Prime’! The marketing had better be so great it’s beyond reproach, or so silly the whole world loves it anyway!

Hey Amazon, the new LOTR needs to fly you fools!
What Can We Expect?
A well-oiled machine, a picture so beautifully constructed, it makes ‘Game of Thrones’ look like it was made on a dot matrix printer. Anything less than that, and you will certainly end up with the type of early social media damnation not even a secure property like the Dragonball franchise was immune to. You’ve seen the harm of not delivering exactly what the audience wants and expects. DC we’re looking at you!
On a serious note, what you can expect is a copious amount of press. Half celebrating the production and getting firmly aboard the bandwagon; the other half will sit on the fence, and wait before passing judgement. No one would be bold or even crazy enough to wager a $1B series will bomb!

Hell would literally freeze over before that would happen…
Another thing which is of great value to note, is the presence of any true competition? GoT is on it’s way out with just its final season to deliver and The Crown is in a different genre. Unless there is something which can truly rival LOTR, you’d have to say they’re in pole position to inherit the entire GoT fanbase. However, the moment someone (Network/VoD/Fandom) presents quality opposition to their dominance, well, that would be the most interesting spectacle of all. The worlds most expensive game of battleship could well be upon us…

I’ll be here for it with the salt and butter…
Reasons This Is Good?
It is slightly ironic that the TV show based on work inspired by Tolkien’s books later becomes the very inspiration for a Tolkien TV show. So very Meta! I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit it intrigues me. This is a good thing!
More writers will be inspired to create limitless material. Money is no longer an excuse. This is another good thing. Hard to tell someone that his or her big budget dream is impossible when literally $1B has gone into a TV series. You want a golden, diamond encrusted tank battle firing real plutonium pellets whilst dragons watch? Go for it! Lead with the rights being less than $250M to acquire and your best ear-to-ear smile! You’ve got this!

I want spring at the front and winter in the back! Oh and a waterfall on the side please…
Your Chance Is Coming…
How does it look when there are literally thousands if not more writers who not only need but deserve a break? They’re so far down the priority list that you had to commit $1B to rehashing Tolkien? That’s a short sighted, but perfectly inbound view on things.
Here is the other view. There is no mistaking that there is clear desperation for quality writing. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Money is on the table too. They can’t keep adapting old material forever right? Also, Netflix is seemingly dedicated to investing in newer material. Together they’re building up to a very welcoming environment for quality writing. Write that ancient adventure you keep avoiding or that modern piece you’ve been compelled to finish. Don’t give up just get it done already!

Deep in the rainforests of the Amazon…
What Should We Say To Amazon?
Firstly, get this TV show right! Don’t get lost in the sauce, (hype) and forget to really get things done properly. Be thorough, but let your writers feel comfortable interpreting the journey as they see fit.

Saruman’s patronus! Sorry wrong franchise…
Invest in new writing with similar vigour! Expand your investment and not just for the usual faces. Actively invest in new writing. Make sure you do right by your customers!
Also, let’s not hear that any of your current slate is affected by this transaction. American Gods needs to be delivered on time, Lucifer should get more seasons, Hand of God, Sneaky Pete, Mr Robot and so forth. These shows should also continue get their shine.
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