Hype or Alright? This Seasons Most Talked About Films Home runs or wild misses? Welcome back to Written Mirror This week we are looking at the most talked about films…
Hype or Alright? This Seasons Most Talked About Films Home runs or wild misses? Welcome back to Written Mirror This week we are looking at the most talked about films…
A Minority Writer’s Struggle. Diversity, Representation, Inclusivity and BAME Diversity, Representation, Inclusivity and BAME. What is it? You would be forgiven, for not understanding the need for so many different ways of…
My Quest To Become One of The Best Black British Screenwriters No one said it would be easy… So you want to become one of the Best Black British Screenwriters?…
The Truth About Being A Black British Screenwriter Getting The Respect You Deserve As A Black British Screenwriter, A Die Hard Mission Impossible… – JM DID HE JUST SAY THAT?
Essential TV Shows Part 2: More of the must see shows recommended to you… Warm greetings and welcome back to Written Mirror. This week it’s time to return to the list!…
Essential TV Shows Fill the void left by one of your favourites… Welcome back to Written Mirror. Have you recently finished a series? Ran out of episodes because you binged…
Writing Tips: How To Successfully Write Academically The master key to unlocking your academic essays Welcome back to Written Mirror. Sincerest apologies for the delay in posting the latest article. On…
IS TASTE REAL? Can there be any wrong opinions in todays society? IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK… Happy New Year! Five days in is still pretty new right? Written…
Forming A Worthwhile New Years Resolution How To Hit The Ground Running Jan 1st… The end of the year is rapidly approaching. Like many others, you’re scrambling to find the…
How To: Adapting To Change In The Workplace… How to best prepare yourself to cope with the transitional period. This is an article that has been requested by quite a…