Never put your trust in those who lie
Never risk your life for those with the wish to die
Never cry in front of those who smile
Never choose giving up over a chance to try
Never accept an unfair fine
Never play Russian roulette with an Irish guy
Never look into the sun with naked eyes
Never bet against your own side
Never make excuses because of pride
Never take an extra early flight
Never exploit your might
Never laugh at the less fortunate’s plight
Never drink and drive
Never waste your life
Never think you can’t overcome strife
Never forget you were born to shine
Never linger when you reach the end of the line

About Jay Mullings
Jay is an ambitious multiple award-winning Screenwriter, Author, Blogger, Film Director who wants to connect with audiences all over the world. Born in London but raised in Jamaica, Jay carries his experiences of both cultures and lends it to his work with his unique but authoritative voice which, he admits not seeing represented enough growing up.
I can be reached for serious comment and article contributions via email if it’s a formal request.
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