Since the last post, things have gone more or less according to plan. More music has been released. By the end of March is was around 4 tracks namely: Grown Up JAM, Hard JAM, Real Warriors JAM and Ring-A-Ling JAM was due for release. That was to give a bit of flavour and context to my big picture plan.
Black & Unrepresented: From Unbothered to very Concerned… Welcome To Written Mirror Greetings and salutations both returning ‘Mirrorheads’ and newcomers! Written Mirror is here, no need to say back as…
Beyond Written Mirror: 24 Hours With Jay Mullings… Welcome Back To Written Mirror Greetings and salutations to the ‘Mirror Heads’. Hello to all the newcomers, I promise to be gentle… Behind…
The Lord of the Rings: The 1 Billion Dollar Question… What Will The Lord of the Rings TV show look like? Salutations Greetings one and all, welcome back to Written…
Hype or Alright? This Seasons Most Talked About Films Home runs or wild misses? Welcome back to Written Mirror This week we are looking at the most talked about films…
Essential TV Shows Part 2: More of the must see shows recommended to you… Warm greetings and welcome back to Written Mirror. This week it’s time to return to the list!…