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Written Mirror LtdThe Perfect First Date

Let us look at the very start before it even becomes a relationship. Yes that’s right lets look at the first date. So fate has conspired to bring you two wonderful people together. Nows your first chance to put your best foot forward and cement a place in their heart. As the number one contender for your prospective partner’s heart try not to mess it up.

This is no small task, many have fallen at the first hurdle. You’re not going to let that happen to you though! If you are a man it is very likely you will have to choose a suitable activity which is:

  1. Practical
  2. Showing some effort has gone into planning
  3. Going to allow you plenty of opportunities to prove you are worthy of future dates

Tougher Than I Thought

So you rattle your brain to come up with a series of cliche locations. They are tasteful and do not give off the impression of trying too hard (Yes being too eager is not an attractive quality). It would be lovely if we could all take our date’s on a helicopter tour of the city skyline. Only this isn’t made in Chelsea; we are not built like that. Also what if it isn’t worth all the effort?

It is always best to keep the venue fairly low key. Nothing that you both can’t walk away from without any awkwardness. So going to dinner, cinema and even for drinks is perfectly acceptable. However, if you want to appear to have put a bit more thought into your date choose an activity (they will need to agree of course) this is also a good way to pick up on the cues of how active your date is. So activities such as skating, swimming, playing pool etc are not bad for first dates.


Now that has been settled you need to remember a few key things that will score you points automatically. Apologies if you are a first date savant. It is simply amazing how many people forget to do the basics. This list is non-exhaustive of course:

  • Arrive early or at least on time (being late for a first date is never a good sign it says you don’t think the other person is worth the effort)
  • Switch your phone off OR turn it on silent (however, if it does ring loud because you forgot, answer the phone as not answering raises suspicion)
  • Never under dress (dress up not down if you are unsure but never turn up under dressed)
  • Do not turn up with questionable hygiene (this should be obvious it is going to give off a very bad impression)
  • Open doors, get their coat and tuck in chairs etc. Be very polite (good manners says you appreciate the person and they will/should notice the effort)
  • Keep the conversation tasteful do not talk about yourself too much either (your date will most likely be more attracted to you if you do not make everything about the physical)
  • Always offer to pay (if the other person declines or insists they pay offer to go dutch, anything less than this says you are cheap)
  • Offer to see your date home (they may or may not accept but it says you are thoughtful and care about their well-being)


If you do all these simple things, chances are you will not be named the weakest link. You will both advance to bigger and better dates. Any other pointers out there readers would like to pass on? By all means leave a comment below. As always I am open to feedback if you have any for me. Until next time, oh just wait a sec! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE PAGE! The Journey to 5000 subscribers needs you!

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About Jay Mullings

Multiple Award-winning Screenwriter, Author, Blogger, Film Director and Founder of Written Mirror Ltd. Jay is an ambitious but humble creative who wants to connect with audiences all over the world. Born in London but raised in Jamaica, Jay carries his experiences of both cultures and lends it to his work with his unique but authoritative voice which, he admits not seeing represented enough growing up.


I can be reached for serious comment and article contributions via email if it’s a formal request.  Contact me via twitter if it is urgent @writtenmirror. Instagram too @writtenmirror if need be.  For any public speaking opportunities kindly use the above mentioned communication methods.

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