Today and Forever
I woke up in the mood not to stray
My strategy is to be focussed today
It’s not a game I am not here to play
I know with the sun comes sprinkles of rain
To be successful is my goal, that’s my aim
Don’t try to stop me just get out of my way
Or I promise you regret for trying in vain
I’m quick witted you can blame it on my brain
I’m sick with it so there’s no need to fein
So all the negative vibes I flush down the drain
I dance around the bull… like a matador from Spain
To my enemies I wish love even if they wish me pain
They wish me loss but all I wish for them is to gain
I never fall off I’m surfing this wave
From rags to riches come let me show you the way
Jay Mullings

About Jay Mullings
Jay is an ambitious multiple award-winning Screenwriter, Author, Blogger, Film Director who wants to connect with audiences all over the world. Born in London but raised in Jamaica, Jay carries his experiences of both cultures and lends it to his work with his unique but authoritative voice which, he admits not seeing represented enough growing up.
I can be reached for serious comment and article contributions via email if it’s a formal request.