Top 5 Growth Inspiring Films:
Watch, learn and grow ahead of your big occasion…
You have a very big occasion ahead of you. Your appetite is non-existent, your sleep is messed up and your stomach is doing flips. Not to worry, everyone gets big game nerves at some point. Here are 5 films to focus your mind and quieten your bodies response.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
I know what you’re thinking, “Americans really can’t spell!” Once you get past that, there is literally nothing else you can hold against this film. Talk about laying it all on the line in the hopes of getting ahead. This film shows you the importance of perseverance, family and ingenuity. At the very least, your eyes won’t be dry and itchy (expect to cry) heading into your big day.
Ip Man (2008)
One of the all time great films (fight me if you don’t agree) ever made! This film takes the majestic asian film aesthetic and liberally applies layers upon layers of life lessons. If you thought ‘The Godfather’ was peak storytelling, prepare to be blown away!
This film teaches you to stand up for what you believe in. Even in the face of impossible odds. Be kind and caring to your fellow man. Encourage your children, for they also encourage you.
You can always make a difference, you’re never just one singular voice. If this film doesn’t inspire you to stand up and be accountable for positive change, nothing ever will…
The Godfather (1972)
Just because I heaped praise on ‘Ip Man’, doesn’t mean I’m about to blaspheme against ‘The Godfather’. This is like the 48 Laws of Power, it should be mandatory. Life lessons in abundance here and also once again, stresses survival is always possible if you help those around you. Fingers come together to form a fist. Family is always important, as is making shrewd offers when opportunities present themselves (smile). Put positive people in dire circumstances, and not only do they come out smiling, they learn how to silently disarm their enemies…
Watching TG will make you smarter, and open your mind to anticipating the moves of your opposition. Heck, you may even learn a line or two for your big occasion.
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
I know what you’re thinking, “The cover looks a lot like a still from a prime Michael Jackson performance…”

The Mike Jack Redemption coming soon…
No film about life lessons and preparing for important future events resonates quite like this one. It’s such a delight, I don’t believe I can find the words to adequately summarise what you’re getting from this masterpiece.
Inspirational, triumphant, moving, are all words used to sell films on posters and covers. This is by far the yardstick which those films should be measured by. Unfortunately, if they were honest it would say, “Oh it’s good, but it’s not quite The Shawshank Redemption…”
Drunken Master (1978)
At this point you’re probably thinking how? Well not every film or experience we seek in the hopes of bettering ourselves has to be serious in tone and packed full of on the nose messagery. That being said, the message here is clear. The moment you think you know everything, try adding alcohol to the mix and you’ll know even more! That was a joke! Or was it?
Seriously, you have a big occasion coming up and probably what you need most is to relax. Groundbreaking I know! I came up with that all on my own!
Okay enough with the joking around. The film is fun and playful. Two things we should never lose in our own personality.
The road can lead to two outcomes. It goes well and your nerves although somewhat hindering didn’t get in the way. The second outcome it does get in the way and you miss an opportunity. Well, now you have an experience to learn from so you can return even better than before. Relax a little, have a drink and go again. Actually coming to think about it, this movie really is inspiring. Who knew?
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