Be Strong & Smile: How doing both in tandem is key to your wellbeing…
This article is for anyone having a hard time out there. Anyone who feels isolated or down for the count. We all go through it at some point, but it’s important to remember, no man is an island…

Doesn’t look anything like a man…
No matter how alone you may feel or how hopeless you think your circumstances are. You are not alone! Sometimes we encounter bullies, they present themselves in a multitude of ways. They take joy from the pain of others, they misuse their power/position to marginalise those whom they see as prey. Don’t worry about it, (easier said than done) they will get what’s coming to them…

Being a bully never ends well…
If you can find it in your heart then forgive them. They have their own demons which they are fighting and are obviously losing against. All we can control is how we respond to any outside opposition to our happiness.

Even if you have nothing else, a smile and strength of character is plenty…
A smile is your best friend against hardship. Smile often enough and it will improve your day tenfold. You may not feel like it but stick with it, things can only get better if you believe they will.

Always protect your dreams from negativity…
If you have dreams you have to guard them well from the dream crushers. When people set up to crush your dreams let them try. It’s easier to throw a touchdown if you can anticipate the blitz.

Stand up for what you believe in. Then take to the sky to accomplish it…
To defy dream crushers you must become what they said you couldn’t. They will tell you that you CAN’T! The truth is they CAN’T; but you CAN!

Your friends and family are like a bottomless pot of gold, they’re invaluable…
Friends and family are important, they will cheer you up against your will. Encourage you when you feel worthless, hug you when you feel most vulnerable and laugh with you when you feel like frowning. They will remind you of the good times or take your mind off things with embarrassing stories. The point being, there is no need to believe you have to face the dragon alone, especially if you feel like you are losing the battle.

The battle is never over if you keep on fighting…
I am writing this today, because, I have felt this way in the past. I have worn a permanent scowl on my face and gotten away from who I really am. This was my response to any and all who tried to bring me down. In my mind, I was showing a steely resolve. In practice all I was doing was pushing away anyone who knew me as a fun loving person and scaring off potential new allies.

The funny thing about wolves is they’re not really solitary animals…

I had convinced myself that I was a lone wolf who had to solve all his problems alone, and any cries for help would be admitting defeat. The voice in my head was telling me that my friends and family would laugh at me and call me weak.
I have never been more wrong in my life. Every single person I have ever told what has been going on in my life has been very receptive and encouraging. Sometimes they even get more upset than I do. My friends and family support me in everything I do and they always encourage me to stay positive.

Things take time to put right…
There is a real sense of urgency to fix what went wrong yesterday, today, instead of improving and being stronger for tomorrow. Just think of the things that matter most, health and happiness should always top that list. If you have those you have plenty to be positive about. What is the point of obsessing over material possessions or comparisons with others if you’re already unhappy about life as it is. It really puts things in perspective.
Money is a mirage, it is not who we are. Life is a funny thing, you can get so caught up in your own struggle with it that you miss everything that is working for you. We sometimes give too much power to outside nuisances, they do not matter in the grand scheme of things.

Money means nothing, especially, if it’s at the expense of your wellbeing…
In closing, I want to thank everyone who managed to read my soliloquy today. I realise this is not in my usual style of post. However, I felt compelled to reach out to as many people as possible and reassure you all that things get better. You just have to hang in there. There is always someone who has it worse than you do.
If you get back on your feet it inspires others to do so too. We can get so caught up in our own drama, that we forget that there is support willing and able to lighten the burden. Appreciate the people in your life who add to your happiness. Dismiss any and all that don’t! It may sound harsh but you have to take your wellbeing seriously.
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About Jay Mullings
Multiple Award-winning Screenwriter, Author, Blogger, Film Director and Founder of Written Mirror Ltd. Jay is an ambitious but humble creative who wants to connect with audiences all over the world. Born in London but raised in Jamaica, Jay carries his experiences of both cultures and lends it to his work with his unique but authoritative voice which, he admits not seeing represented enough growing up.
I can be reached for serious comment and article contributions via email if it’s a formal request.