24 Hours of Moderation… Relaxation, rest and respite. Welcome Back To Written Mirror Once more it is Written Mirror to the fore! Welcome back ‘Mirror Heads’ and sincere greetings to…
24 Hours of Moderation… Relaxation, rest and respite. Welcome Back To Written Mirror Once more it is Written Mirror to the fore! Welcome back ‘Mirror Heads’ and sincere greetings to…
Life is Real Neat! Written Mirror Receives a Real Neat Blog Award Nod… Welcome To Written Mirror To the long time ‘Mirror Heads’ greetings and salutations! Newcomers, I promise to…
Not Another Life Hack! Just Improvement On The Go… Greetings & Salutations Welcome back to Written Mirror regular readers and a warm hello to the newcomers! I promise to be…
How Writing Helps Me Combat My Depression… Why The Pen Is Mightier Than The Light Sabre… Welcome Back To Written Mirror Greetings and salutations! Foundation supporters, I trust you’re feeling…
What They Don’t Tell New Screenwriters It’s more treacherous than The Game of Thrones… Greetings Earthlings! Welcome one and all to Written Mirror. To the loyal returnees howdy, and to…
The Lord of the Rings: The 1 Billion Dollar Question… What Will The Lord of the Rings TV show look like? Salutations Greetings one and all, welcome back to Written…
A Minority Writer’s Struggle. Diversity, Representation, Inclusivity and BAME Diversity, Representation, Inclusivity and BAME. What is it? You would be forgiven, for not understanding the need for so many different ways of…
My Quest To Become One of The Best Black British Screenwriters No one said it would be easy… So you want to become one of the Best Black British Screenwriters?…
The Truth About Being A Black British Screenwriter Getting The Respect You Deserve As A Black British Screenwriter, A Die Hard Mission Impossible… – JM DID HE JUST SAY THAT?
Underrated Writing Tips 2 Continuing the writing tips series… Welcome to another instalment in the underrated writing tips series. For those who haven’t read the first post, please do so…