The Night King of The Zombie Army…
Greetings and salutations to both OG’s and newcomers. If you didn’t see the YouTube video I made, you probably thought I abandoned you. Don’t worry I’ve got it right here for you…
Time is of the essence and I have a lot to say. Shall we begin?
Quick shout out to Ghulam Rouhan Samdani for the artwork. In a word, it’s COLD!
King? Zombie? Army?
Yeah halloween is around the corner and well, that title was totally to get your attention. It’s somewhat fitting, seeing as that’s what has been happening these past few days. Bait headlines… However, stick a pin in that. Let’s start with the good news and work our way forwards.
If you’re a regular ‘Mirrorhead’ you know what I have stood for on here. I’m all about people getting the most they can out of life. Whether it be joy, health or career progression. The Thought Book and The Thought Book 2 are literal extensions of this mindset. It was a huge frustration of mine for a long time that my content was never appreciated for a myriad of ‘extra curricular’ reasons. Now I’ve gone on the offensive and slowly but surely I’m chipping away at the false narrative which regularly surrounds my work. I don’t deal in falsehoods, I share my honest views and experiences mostly in the name of helping people…
On the topic of progress, this has manifested in Newspaper Article appearances, magazine guest contributor pieces, interviews for other media and radio appearances. I am working tirelessly to put my talent on the shop window. To the outlets who have been in touch it has been a pleasure to contribute. For the most part at least, but I’ll detail this later…
I have always held a suspicion for interviewees who give nothing but vanilla answers to questions. However, I similarly find those who make everything about themselves annoying (See any David Haye interview). By the way I don’t want any beef with a retired fighter, I just don’t like his interview style. Cool don’t mix me in any war of words…
Right back to my original point. If all you have to say is the typical or responses laden with narcissism let’s be honest, we could all do without it. However, not all outlets allow you to have a full say and they keep the content quite narrow. I understand why someone may stay within the normal parameters of the question as anything extra could be taken out of context or cut out completely. It’s a waste of words in essence. On the other hand, selling yourself at every given opportunity could be born out of the same outlets feeble attempts at selling you. Poor or incomplete credits or redirects to your brand, product, service etc.
I now have a full appreciation of both sides and can see that it isn’t necessarily an indictment on the character or intelligence of the interviewee. Experiences often shape responses to future iterations. I feel you David!
Media Exploitation
Let’s put this in perspective. The media does not do things out of the kindness of its heart. You have something they want/need/desire as much as they do for you. It’s supposed to be mutually beneficial. They have the audience, you have the content/story/know how…
Yet what you will often find is that they both dictate the terms and are free to act as they wish. You have to trust that they won’t misrepresent you or your views, but without final say there is ultimately nothing you can do; apart from your best and hope of course…
Except, thanks to social media and the power of the internet, you can set the record straight. However, some people are addicted to drinking the Kool-Aid regardless if something tastes off. You won’t get to put out every fire as it rises. People will believe what they want to. That’s life…
Let Me Tell You This…
I am not the Night King from Game of Thrones trying to gather an army of zombies to take over the world. When I am represented as someone forcing his ideology on other people it’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’m not touching the minds of people and telling them to stop sleeping.
However, if you read the latest article that contains my comments (link above), you would be forgiven for thinking so. Also as someone who was invited to speak on their personal experience with sleep, to then use a psychologist instead of a sleep specialist for rebuttal if you’re cynical insinuates something sinister. Pitting two people against each other. Not cool, especially as I was not informed that this would be happening. My message more than a little diluted, most of the conversation excluded from the final release, it’s kinda naughty…
Then to upload a piece indirectly as a response to the above is just petty.
I never claimed my personal sleep pattern can ‘leave you happy’ but I guess you have to clickbait people somehow…
It’s not all doom and gloom, I have made an unexpected new connection as a result. Shout out to Dr. Audrey Tang and her cute dog Brandy! It’s sort of backwards that we corresponded for the first time after sharing quotes in an article which made it seem that we were binary opposites. I am a man, and the Dr is a woman. I’m a man of ideas and creativity, Audrey is a woman of science and studies on behaviour. Think about what we might’ve been able to determine together? Well, in a way we have taken some steps to from our social media exchanges and outright challenges to mindset.
In my interview with @ShortList I made it clear it's not something I recommend as it could be triggered by something else. However, if you can honestly function with less sleep you owe it to yourself to use the time wisely. 8-9 hours a day is devolving no way early man could…
— Jay Mullings (@WrittenMirror) October 18, 2018
Absolutely delighted to, it's a true pleasure to meet you! Thank you for setting the challenge, as much as I know my reflection is ungeneralisable, it's important that academics keep an open mind. Thank you for reminding me to do so, and making inroads into it xx
— Dr Audrey Tang (@DrAudreyT) October 20, 2018
More About That…
I challenged the Dr to sleep less than the prescribed (no pun intended) amount which research states as 8-9 hours. In turn I have agreed to attempt 8 continuous hours of sleep over this weekend. What ensued was a fascinating exchange of ideas and information in the name of learning/evolving our individual understanding of rest/time/sleep/necessity. This is something I always welcome, people who are open to learning/sharing as opposed to drawing sharp lines and dying on a hill with a single and narrow point of view.
My first attempt at vlogging. I've been challenged by @WrittenMirror to see how I function on 3 hours sleep.
— Dr Audrey Tang (@DrAudreyT) October 18, 2018
If you’re reading this Doc, you’re welcome to share more ideas and explore other points of view with me anytime you like. I had hoped we would be allowed to contribute a follow up to the initial article for Shortlist now that we have conceded ground on a few things and formed an updated understanding of both points of view. However, we can always formalise part two right here on Written Mirror if you would like to…
I am not the Night King from Game of Thrones. I am not here to lead a sleepless elite army to taking over the world. Although now I think about it I quite like this idea, I may write about it (wink wink)…
On a serious note any future interview requests will need to be strictly scrutinised as I do not want my message diluted or corrupted in the aims of representing me as a crazed fool with a pen. I’m the Wicked Penman not the Crazed Penman. Creativity is my life, not my lifestyle. Get it right…
About Jay Mullings
Multiple Award-winning Screenwriter, Author, Blogger, Film Director and Founder of Written Mirror Ltd. Jay is an ambitious but humble creative who wants to connect with audiences all over the world. Born in London but raised in Jamaica, Jay carries his experiences of both cultures and lends it to his work with his unique but authoritative voice which, he admits not seeing represented enough growing up.