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Summer is Finished Now Everything I Learned

Written Mirror Live & Direct!

Summer 2018 is over and done with! Don’t let the last dregs of sunshine we have been allowed fool you! Greetings and salutations ‘Mirrorheads’! Welcome rookies, I promise to be gentle…

Summer 2018 RIP…

For those of you who pay their energy bills via direct debit, you know how it doesn’t change for the summer and despite using less energy the companies try to feed you the better safe than sorry spiel. Well when you leave following a switch it’s usually with a ‘surprise’ credit balance. Well, thats how we’ve ended up with this fools gold sunshine. We didn’t use it all up in the summer! Ha…

Double Standard

Spread love always

Look on The Very Bright Side

Let me adjust my polarised shades, I suppose one way of looking at this, is as a gentle transition into autumn. That’s alright I guess, just don’t go around dressing based on how the weather looks. A few of us are bound to get sacrificed along the way. You’ll see summer mixed with winter fashion and it will confuse you, but these people are just trying to do the best they can to roll with the weather based punches. Besides, as President of the shorts and T-shirt delegation, I can wholeheartedly empathise.


Written Mirror T-Shirt and Shorts FTW!

For the past 4 years I have outright refused to use the gym in anything other than shorts, so the weather change will be a tiny challenge. Why is that you ask? Range of motion is a lot more precise in shorts. I had no idea all these years that tracksuit bottoms were literally holding me back! Major fail…

Get Focused Jay…

What were you reminded of this summer 2018? Thank you for bringing me back into the present. Truthfully, the basis of my content in The Thought Book & The Thought Book 2. I saw whole pages brought to life in exact detail. The spectacularly good: Loving and Positive energy; sharing and sacrifice for the greater good. I also saw the reverse: Inconsistency, betrayal and negativity.

This summer reminded me that I’m not paranoid, I am actually blessed with sight beyond sight.

Double Standard

That blue though OMG!

The Good

I have received so much positive interactions, energy and encouragement this summer. Literally no complaints on that front. My family have had my back like a secondary spine, my friends have generously given up their time. On social media I have been reminded that others are also striving for better in their own way. This didn’t come as a surprise to me but still, I am grateful to be in this space and to know that others are on a similar wavelength.

Of course, I try to also beam my own positivity and encouragement back onto my friends, family and social media crowd. Congratulations to all those celebrating important milestones such as: Childbirth, marriage, promotions, new jobs, acquiring property and so forth. You’re all going to do amazing things and I hope to be a witness to it! A toast…


To Summer 2018

The Bad

As I have alluded to earlier, I have also had the unpleasant interactions, parasitic energy and discouragement. Again, I am not surprised per say, but the identities of those who brought this to my door did somewhat shock me. My life is made up of calculated optimism, risk and pragmatism. The people who know me best know which state I am favouring most when I make a move. Still I had some doubting me in ways never discussed prior, others were beyond unreliable. We all have lives to live, but as I stated in The Thought Book, Communication is a two way process, you and I know that.” p.86

Summer Reminders

Summer reminded me of the aforementioned but also the things I often process as default thought processes…

  • Enjoy each day and savour the warmth while you can
  • Get outside and get moving
  • Be adventurous and try new things; the sun shines down upon the brave
  • Friends and Family are invaluable, make an effort keep in touch with them
  • Photography is a whole vibe
  • Travelling is also a state of mind not just a physical activity
  • People who disagree with you over nothing now, have some growing to do on their own
  • Red wine is elite
  • There are few joys in life like experiencing an exciting brand new activity for the first time
  • Doubt should never stop you completely from attempting something innovative.

Remember The Summer Until We Meet Again

My challenge is to keep summer alive in my heart. Those helpful reminders have served as the perfect inspiration. I have been steadily withdrawing from the bank of optimism and although I have always seen myself in this light, I’ve noticed a remarkable increase in output.

More To Come

The year whilst nearly finished, is still a work in progress. There is still time to press ahead and grab those goals set at the start of the year. I certainly have more ground to cover, as for the most part, I have been delayed in most of my plans for the year due to circumstances beyond my control. However, I simply will not give up and neither should you! If anything consider it as building experience for 2019 and who knows you may get it done yet in 2018.

Support Your People

This should always go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. Support your people! That friend who designs clothes, the cousin who sings, the aunt who bakes, your nephew who wants to be an athlete, the niece who wants to run her own business. Spread that positive energy, even if it’s only over the phone. Make the world smaller when it comes to encouragement and bigger where it comes to ambition. Let’s all do much better at being decent people, I include myself in that. Support your people!

We all have the makings of a hero. There are many different ways of saving the day. Remember that…

Being a force for good isn’t a competition. Do the best YOU can…

The Thought Book 2 p.12

Like The Content?

Then like, share and comment! Get involved, take part in the positivity! Engage and interact! Pass it on to your people and also follow on the various social media platforms. Instagram and Twitter are both ‘@writtenmirror’ nice and easy to remember.

There are still 1st edition Hardback versions of both The Thought Book and The Thought Book 2. Each comes signed, inscribed and with a personal page dedication. Good for people of all ages and also makes a very unique gift. There is also special Written Mirror merchandise such as T-shirts (Logo front and ‘Best In Any Category’ print on the back), Toodies (Hooded Long Sleeve Tee), Joggers, Shorts and Autumn Hoodies (Light zip front) available on the store.

Your support is what continues to keep Written Mirror alive and I want to thank you all for continuing to show love! Until next time…

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