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How Did You Become A Writer?
You often find that unless you’re a young phenom, your talents often manifest as hobbies first. I always enjoyed writing and I liked writing funny or crude things. I wrote some stories in school which, would either have the teacher in hysterics and frantically calling colleagues to read along, or I’d end up in trouble for my over active imagination. Either way it took becoming an adult to accept that my writing was not just a hobby, but also my calling.
What Did You Learn As A Writer?
- Unless you come from a circle of writers (Friends/family) people will look at you like you’re an extra terrestrial.
- The first question to follow you declaring you’re a writer is almost always going to relate to whether or not you are famous. Try to hide your frustration at this typical question.
- First of all, writing is not particularly hard BUT it certainly isn’t easy. Putting words on a page/screen is something you know you can do and you have done it before, BUT and it’s a major BUT, weaving these words into something coherent and resonating can be frustrating as hell.
- Appreciate the good times and try not to get overwhelmed by the bad.
- Your social life will go through extremes. Being a Writer can be very lonely…
- People watching is FUN!
- HOBBIES are good for your wellbeing. The more you have on outside of writing the more you can bring to your writing.
Who Can Validate My Writing?
- The world is full of people who are trying to tell you HOW and WHAT to write. Only you know how and you have to find a way to produce what resonates with you.
- Even people in your industry sometimes DON’T get it! There may be people you trust or admire until they reveal just how little they actually know. Don’t let it surprise you and don’t let it compromise who you are.
- Everyone has an agenda! BUY this course, ENTER this Comp, ATTEND this event, READ this article, FLY to this retreat, SEND us your work, SIGN UP for this newsletter etc. Try your best to work out which of these suit YOU best. If you feel uneasy do more research…
- Feedback comes in two varieties, somewhat applicable and absolute garbage! Figure it out quickly and move on.
How Do I Know I Am Writing The Right Thing?
- TRUST your gut! If it feels a bit too good to be true or fishy in any way WALK away…
- Let your drafts REST. Step back and let your mind go onto other things. When you come back that distance will allow you to progress your work.
- BUILD a circle of people you can trust professionally. If you don’t do it now it will be done for you…
- WORK RATE is important but time away is also part of managing your work rate. When the pages are flowing embrace it. When you feel run down or the work comes slower it’s not a crime to step away and do something else.
Am I Doing Enough?
- HOBBIES are good for your wellbeing. The more you have on outside of writing the more you can bring to your writing.
- An AGENT will not do your work for you. You have to understand that you’re always going to be doing the most work for your career. That is fine, as no one can ever claim your success was owed to someone else.
- It’s okay, no in fact it’s expected that you should be PROUD of your achievements! Do not hide and shrink from applause when you’ve achieved something. The long hours, the many drafts, the networking and the like are what brought you to this point. Don’t you dare sell yourself short by not wearing it proudly like the badge of honour it is!
- ALWAYS think a project or two ahead. There is therefore no room for complacency…
I Need A Guide To Help…
Finally, how about picking up a signed & inscribed 1st edition of ‘The Thought Book‘. The content in this book is essentially what kept me from giving up. I became an award winning writer when I focussed on the content in this book. Most of all, it can also help you…