Politics Politics
How many people find politics fascinating? It is probably one of a few professions where people are loved or hated for honesty or dishonesty in no particular order. Personally I have no interest in politics, but it was always funny to me how alluring it gets for some people. I have been in the middle of Election fever in Jamaica and in the United Kingdom and while the enthusiasm is different the mentality is much the same.
Politicians only care about making public appearances when it comes to rallying support if it is a swing constituency maybe a follow up visit is scheduled but if they are confident of the majority forget about it. That is not even the most intriguing thing to me. It would have to be the enthusiastic campaigners trying to win votes for their leader especially when it is people who show no such enthusiasm in their own life.
It poses all sorts of questions, what is so special about this politician that has you acting like a groupie? Half of them have no accurate knowledge of their leader’s manifesto or campaign promises. This fascinates me even more, how can you get so firmly behind someone without knowing what you are really supporting?
The other component of ‘Election Fever’ is where people try to get you to divulge your voting intentions. I am so glad I learnt from an early age that a persons politics much like their religion is none of my business. If you live in a democracy you vote in ‘Secret Ballot’ meaning no one sees you ballot you mark your X and move on with your life.
Many a argument I have witnessed over politics and I suppose the spectacle lies in not really being able to notice who has more of the facts. When you argue about politics it is inevitable that you look ignorant, even if you know what you are talking about. It is a lose lose situation.
The other interesting thing is the people who complain most usually are the ones least likely to vote. They ‘choose’ not to exercise their franchise but reserve the right to moan 24-7 leading up to and after the election has been decided. What a waste of passion! I wonder if they realise lives were lost fighting for the right to be included in the democratic process?
Still I suppose we all have our vices and some of us are just timid in confronting them. My recommendation is to truly find out which side you are on and vote accordingly. It is long outdated to bury one’s head in the sand and simply hope for the best outcome.

About Jay Mullings
Jay is an ambitious multiple award-winning Screenwriter, Author, Blogger, Film Director who wants to connect with audiences all over the world. Born in London but raised in Jamaica, Jay carries his experiences of both cultures and lends it to his work with his unique but authoritative voice which, he admits not seeing represented enough growing up.
I can be reached for serious comment and article contributions via email jay@writtenmirror.com if it’s a formal request.
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